We love seeing new products being added in this community.
Truborns is well known for its amazing range of quality products.
Which is why I was so excited to see this new item being introduced.
We all know what a difference a well filled and poorly filled baby body can make.
But with Truborns you can be sure that you are getting the best.
With the owner also an artist, she really knows how to perfect her dolls in every aspect.
So when you cuddle one of her dolls, it is truly a wonderful cuddle.
“We are SO excited for this new coming product!
Our own amazing brand of super silky soft fiber fil!!
This amazing filling will make your babies feel as soft as a cloud!
Ultra soft, ultra silky.
We will have our first batch available in about a week.
Stay tuned!!!”
If you are making a baby, then why not check out this filling.
And don’t forget you can save 5% off your order by using the link on the right of this site.