Debbie Moore is offering artists the chance to be a prototype artist for her sweet fantasy doll.
It is always fun for an artist to have their abilities challenged with a new type of doll to paint.
The regular newborns and fantasy doll painting requires different skills and vision.
I look forward to seeing this sculpt painted as it has so many features and details that artists will love to enhance.
I am giving away an opportunity to work on a Krampus prototype to somebody who has not done a prototype before.
Please add 1 picture below which reflects your best work.
I will choose one person at the weekend.
The prototye must be done in keeping with Krampus and no rainbow/bright colours please.
Do your research into Krampus and what he represents as your finished work will represent my future Krampus kits.
No photos to be shown of your work,, just send updated progress work to me please.
All finished prototype pictures will go up as each artist finishes their work.
Please water mark your pictures.
Good Luck everybody.
I need to add that I am looking for detailed work and good rooting skills, presentation of work and photograph is at the top of my list when choosing the winner”
You can enter on Facebook, just head over to Debbies page and find this post there.
Good luck to everyone who enters.