The Valencia Doll Show 2020 is going to be such an amazing show with so many really amazing talented artists I am so happy to share that Anna Gonzalez Viera Reborn will be an exhibitor.
“Pues este 2020 si nada lo estropea hay estaré con mis bebés y mis niñas peques y grandes , va a ser mi primer año en valencia y voy con muchísima ilusión 🥰
Well this 2020 if nothing ruins it I will be with my babies and my little girls and big, it’s going to be my first year in Valencia and i’m going with a lot of illusion.”
Annas’ work is so great.
Her babies are really priceless as they are masterpieces.
She is an artist that you will want to make sure you visit during the show.
I can not wait to see which babies she creates to send to the show.