You can always rely on the talents of Laurie Duncan to really bring life and personality to her dolls, for Kansas Doll Show dolls are no different.
This little free spirit girl will just go to show that fact even more.
“Free spirit❤ I created this little girl to have a happy free spirit and to bring joy wherever she goes.
Her amazing Boho dress was created for me by the very talented Reggie with Reggies dolls. Thank you my friend.
She will be available at my booth (pixie Mountain Creations)#6 Stop by and see her and give her a hug😄”
This baby is just one of many that Laurie will have for sale at her booth, making it one of the most visit booths of the show.
There is so much variety in her dolls that you can’t help but fall in love with at least one.
I know I have.