Sandra Guerrero Rodriguez artist of the top quality Arte Reborn Cuquinos has revealed that she will be a vendor during the Valencia Doll Show 2020.
If you have never previously seen these dolls you will want to make sure you check them out.
“Allí nos vemos!!! ❤️ See You There!!!”
This chap is just one example of the type of work that she does and it is so adorable.
I love how realistic this sweetie looks.
In fact everything about this baby is just perfect.
The look he is giving really calls out to me.
I can not wait to see her booth display showing just how gorgeous her babies are.
If you have been thinking of attending this show but were waiting for more reasons to do so then this could be it.
So much talent in one place that you will not believe it.
Make sure you join the our life with reborns Facebook group to keep up to date with news.