One thing we all love about the doll shows are the classes and Rose 2019 isn’t going to let us down.
With Sarah Mellmanns Basics of reborning class you can learn how to paint several skin tones.
This is such an amazing class to any artist, whether you are wanting to use just one skin tone or experiment with many.
“Finished the last of these 4 Azalea’s rooting today. These are the demo babies for the Basics Of Life Reborning class.
Class members will get to pick their favorite coloring to learn to make. The tutorial covers all 4 skin tones, so you can try other color options out at home, as well as lots of advanced tips and details.
These 4 will be available for adoption at my booth.
One more head to root, and I can move on to all the nitty gritty little stuff.”
Knowing how to paint various skin tones is a real skill, but can be one that sets your studio or nursery apart.
Each skin tone has its own set of skills needed, so having a guiding hand from Sarah to learn it is truly priceless.
As a teacher Sarah is amazing.
She is kind and patient.
You will have fun in her class and learn so much.
I can not wait to see the finished babies made at this class.