Rose Doll Show babies brought to life by Maria Lynn Grover.
How could I not share this precious babies with you all.
They are just so adorable.
And no I have not been able to pick a favourite.
How could any one?
They are just all so incredible.
“Some of the babies that will be in my booth, number 315. See you all on Friday!!”
It is not long now until doors open on Friday to this event.
I know many people will now be feeling nervous and uneasy about what will come.
But relax. Both vendors and artists are there to have a good time.
So make new friends, talk to people you havent before and above all lets make sure that everyone there is safe.
These babies are just so cute.
I do not even want to think about the number of people who would want to cuddle them all.
Marias booth is sure to be very busy, so make sure you plan your route prior to getting to the show.
It is important to know where you want to go during your time here.
Do not miss your chance to see Marias babies in person.
You will find that the pictures never do them justice.