Susan Dizon Gibbs of Dizon Designs won this years ID&TS 2019 Reborn Accessories award.
Until now she has been unable to share the winning product with us all.
But now she can and I am so happy with that.
Susan has kindly put out this beautiful video showing her design and just how beautiful it is.
You can see the full video here.
Don’t you just love it.
What a gorgeous bag this is.
So delicate and pretty.
The work that must have gone into this doesnt bare thinking about.
I love Susans bags.
And I am really not the only one.
She always sells out, normally on day one.
So if you are attending next years show you will want to act fast.
I am so happy that Susan will be returning to the ID&TS 2020.
Get saving and get some good shoes that allow you to run.
You may need them.