Now the classes at the Rose Show 2019 have started we all get to have a look inside.
This class is the DMH rooting class.
“We are busily rooting alllll day!!!
#dmhstudio #rooting #reborndolls @rosedollexpo”
This class looks like a lot of people learnt some new skills.
DMH are really good teachers and will help the students as much as possible.
I do not even want to think about how many people now have tiny holes in their fingers.
That is an occupational hazard when rooting a babies head.
Some of these finished babies are going to look so cute.
I can not wait for people to start sharing the skills that they have learnt with us all.
This class seems to have gone very well for everyone taking part.
DMH kindly supplied equipment to use.
Did you attend this class? What did you learn?
Lets see some of those babies so we can all be jealous that we do not have one.