I am so excited to announce that D3 Creation will be attending the ID&TS 2020.
The first class show is going to be the best yet, with booths sold out within days of being open.
D3 are one of the most generous and kind people.
They are willing to help everyone and I do not know how they could beat their 2019 donations.
They donated so many babies.
You may think that the quality of the babies they made might be affected by the amount of babies they made but no.
The babies were still of the most amazing quality.
D3 is also the place to go for your baby needs.
They will have their amazing products on sale again.
I have heard some people saying that the products they sell are the best yet.
This I can believe.
If the products are like the babies then there is no wonder.
So if you plan to attend next year you have to stop by their booth.
I can not wait to see them next year and to see their beautiful babies in person.
Get set for lots of pictures and articles about them during the ID&TS 2020.