This cute reborn baby will be travelling to this years Rose Doll Show.
Reborn artist Susan Thibodeux is the talented artist behind this sweet baby.
Baby Serenity has been painted to a high quality.
She has so many adorable features and looks very realistic.
“My version of Serenity. Will be at table 23”
Susan has paid great attention to all the smaller details.
Including the finger nails and toe nails.
These small details on a baby can make a huge difference.
If they are not done correctly then the baby can still look just like a doll.
But for miss Serenity I think you will struggle to find anything that has been over looked.
Tippy Toes Nursery will be a must see table at this years Rose Doll Show, so make sure you mark it on your route of tables to visit.
Lots of cute babies and a friendly artist makes this table a joy to be at.