Anyone for is anyone that is going to the ID&TS 2020 show will have heard mention of uncle Matt.
And it certainly seems that whenever he is mentioned that the conversation goes just a little bit strange.
So it got me thinking.
Whilst at the show do people tend to be on the hunt for their dream baby or just for uncle Matt?
With so much attention being given to one person it is a concern.
I’m going to call it ‘the Uncle Matt Effect’
Makes me wonder if he should be put up for a donation himself.
Winner wins an hour with him, or Laeni can trade him in for a doll she loves.
So I can see the benefits that way.
But all that aside I have it on good authority that he is in fact more than used something for many of the ladies going to ogle over.
But you can see my concern here.
This post is clearly my fun than anything else.
Babies or Uncle Matt, which will get your attention?