So the clock has almost run out on the countdown to this years Rose Doll Show.
Which means that your time to prepare is almost over.
Is that a daunting thought?
I know that some people will now be burning the midnight oil to complete their work in time.
But rest assured that once you are there it will all be worth it.
Many people will be starting to prepare for their journeys.
Some arriving from local locations others from much further away.
With classes to prepare for, the teachers must now be going crazy trying to put together all the last minute bits and pieces that need to be done.
And the show hosts must be working on all last minute follow ups and checks.
With fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong at the last minute.
This years Rose Doll Show will be the biggest yet, which will make the organizers even busier.
I hope they take a little time for themselves to enjoy it and savour their years work all come together.
So many dolls this year so much cuteness.
It will be total eye candy.