This sweet reborn baby girl is currently for sale on ebay.
I am not the artist of this baby.
Beautiful Realistic REBORN Baby Girl ~ RAVEN ~ Ping Lau sculpt
This baby is gorgeous and in excellent, like new condition.
Raven is one of my favorite sculpts.
I have had her only 2 months, and sadly have not been able to bond with her.
I have wanted her for so long…. but my other babies have my attention and I dont want to deprive someone else of loving this beautiful sculpt.
She will come with a huge wardrobe (more than I could include in the pics), magnetic paci, new shoes, hair bands…. her hair is perfect in my opinion and very easy to style.
She has full arms and legs and she weighs around 5.5lbs.
Click here to see the full ebay listing for this special reborn baby girl.