Our Life With Reborns

Reborns are pieces of art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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Keepsake Cuties Nursery

2023 Doll Calendar

Preorders for the new and much improved 2023 Doll Calendar will be opening this July.


With each Calendar purchase you also get a raffle ticket to win a free silicone head cuddle baby.


Preorder yours as soon as it opens.


International Doll Festival 2022 Budapest

Silicone Prototype At ID&TS 2019

D3 Creation and Stacey Haskins have truly outdone themselves with this adorable prototype silicone baby.

This little treasure will be looking for a new family at the upcoming ID&TS, which if I am honest I can not believe is so close now.

silicone prototype

She was shared with us all on social media.

“Silicone Prototype Ethon by Cassie Brace. Poured & Molded by D3Creation. Available for adoption at ID&TS and online Friday June 21st after 1:00 pm if she has not already been adopted. <3" If I am being honest I really wouldn't hold out too much hope of her being online for sale, I mean have you seen her. She is sure to capture so many hearts. Now I know that silicone babies are never the cheapest things to buy, but they are so worth it as this stunners shows us. I love everything about her, even down to her little bracelets, which I feel are a great touch. So if you are headed to the show, make sure you stop by and say hi to this little girl. Don't forget to get your cuddle in, although if you are holding babies at the show please make sure to check with the vendor before handling the products. With mere days away you will not have long to wait now. Keep up with all ID&TS news here.


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