This years Rose Doll Show will have a wide variety of babies this year.
But these triplets by Christine Woolley are just too cute not to mention.
These three babies are certainly not camera shy, and why would they be.
They are just so cute.
They are cover babies for sure.
“These 3 triplets will be available at table 163 Silver Lining Art Dolls. They are the dolls used on the cover of the Brown Hair Painting Tutorial which I’ll also have available on my table. Looking forward to meeting you all! ❤”
Christines painting is so good and there are techniques that you can definitely learn from her.
Techniques that you woulf learn for many years to come.
When visiting Rose this year you have to make sure you stop by her table.
There will be so much to see that you wont want to miss it.
Keep up to date with all the latest Rose Doll Show news Here