This adorable reborn toddler doll is currently for sale one ebay.
I am not the artist of this doll.
After seeing her I just had to share her as she is truly stunning.
I would personally be thrilled to have her as part of my collection.
Reborn Toddler Betty by Natali Blick Professional Artist , Marina Blue, IIORA
Betty by Natali Blick
D.o.b: 2019, 27 of March
Length: 27″ – 69 cm
Betty is a wonderful standing toddler kit created by Natali Blick. Sold Out Limited Edition.
This Girl is reborned by myself – Marina Martinaitene, Marina Blue Studio.
I am a professional doll artist since 2006, member of IIORA and Professianal Doll Artists Guild, have many recognitions and awards received during my doll making career.
Earlier the name for my business was Marina Blue Nursery, but now it is changed to Marina Blue Studio as I am working on different dolls and different mediums so I find this new name better.
Betty has full limbs and cloth body.
Soft vinyl.
She is not heavy and proportionally filled with heavy eco fiber fill, glass beads, but not too heavy to handle.
She will stand with support only and the best will be to use a doll stand for stability.
The girl is painted with Genesis Heat Set Paints and micro rooted with real child’s hair – it took me a very long time to do the rooting and her hair is gorgeous- very soft, shiny and easy to style.
Betty’s eyes are crystal mouthblown eyes from Lauscha, Germany used for mannequin dolls – very lifelike and ralisic.
Color is deep blue.
Some mediums are used for sealing and UV protection of vinyl of the girl.
The limbs are sealed so the filling stays secure inside the body and limbs. No armature is used inside.
The girl has no magnet inside.
6-9 months clothes can be used for Betty.
She will come home to her new Mommy with ALL oufits she is wearing for the photo session.
Props will not be included – they are property of the Studio.
Betty comes home with all outfits shown on pictures.
Soft toy
Beautiful Birth Certificate
Original LE Certificate, Marina Blue Studio Original Certificate , Signed by the Artist
Other props that are shown on pictures are used for presentation and will not be included with the doll.
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