The doll community, and in this instance I am refering to both silicone and reborn babies, has seen an increase in doll artists and people having a go.
This is of course great, the community growing is always fantastic news.
But it does make me wonder how many people are in it for the love of the art and how many are in it just for a quick buck.
Those people that are in it for anything other than the love of it will not put the quality into the work that as collectors we would hope to see.
As a collector what is it that drives you to purchase a baby.
Is it purely the price, or would you save up for a doll you have seen that is really realistic.
Is it more about how many dolls you have in your collection or would you rather only have a couple of baby, but babies that are of the highest quality.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that not all high quality dolls have to cost the earth.
But reality is that most top quality babies do cost more.
It is art, and as such you expect to pay a higher price for the better work.
Does your need to build a collection and own to babies lead you to look at some of the cheap chinese dolls.
Would you ever go down that route to get your dolls.
Personally I have previously brought cheaper dolls to grow my collection.
This for me I felt was a mistake.
After whittling my collection down, I can now almost start from scratch.
This means I will be more picky about the babies that I add to my collection.
And I’m ok with that
I feel from a personal perspective that my own baby choices have changed during my time in this community.