If you are looking for a career a new job then you may have considered making dolls and starting your own doll making studio.
It sounds ideal right, spending all day surrounded by these super cute dolls.
Being able to dress them up to take photos when they are done.
Seeing them come to life day by day.
But have you ever really thought about the other side to that?
The hours spent talking to people online only to have them waste your time.
The countless number of stab wounds to your fingers thanks to hours of rooting.
The critics that will always find fault in your work.
The painting layer after layer to try and get the right skin tone and features to bring your doll to life.
Then taking the photos in such a way that your baby will seem real and capture hearts.
After all of that you have to then say goodbye to this special treasure that you have seen come alive in front of your eyes by your own hand.
If that wasn’t enough you then have the worry of the customer requesting a refund after all that hard work.
So although it may seem an easy choice, it really isn’t.
To do it full time and make a living from it you must really really love it.
It goes without saying that the more babies you make the more experienced you will become and the better the dolls will become.
But you can not expect to get it right straight away.
In fact most artists do not sell their first doll.
So lets take a minute to thank the artists and sculptors out there for all the hard work they have put into each and every baby they make.
Where they are now hasn’t come without great determination.