Our Life With Reborns

Reborns are pieces of art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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Keepsake Cuties Nursery

2023 Doll Calendar

Preorders for the new and much improved 2023 Doll Calendar will be opening this July.


With each Calendar purchase you also get a raffle ticket to win a free silicone head cuddle baby.


Preorder yours as soon as it opens.


International Doll Festival 2022 Budapest

Little Princess Waiting For ID&TS 2019

This precious little princess is finally ready and now waiting for the ID&TS 2019.

Brought to life by Ashley Noelle Stone, this adorable baby will bring a smile to anyone who sees her.

I love the finished result of this baby and I think this sculpts personality really shows through on this version.

id&ts 2019

“I finally have another baby done! Lookin like I will have babies to sell lol
Come stop by and see me I think I’m at booth 204 lol gotta get this table number memorized

Erin sculpted by Phil Donnelly”

Erin is only one of the babies that you will be able to find at Ashleys table.

Each baby is just as special as the last meaning that you will want to cuddle every baby.

id&ts 2019

Finding many new artists is one of the amazingly wonderful things about the doll shows.

It is often the time that a lot of people find a artist that they may have otherwise not heard of.

So enjoy yourselves at the ID&TS 2019, with the amount of work the fabulous organisers have put into the show there is no way it can be anything but perfect.

Make sure you stop by Ashleys table to say hi and have baby cuddles.


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