With this years Kansas Doll Show approaching fast, I thought it would be fun to remind you of the type of things you could find inside the goodie bags.
The Kansas show is in its second year, and all signs are pointing to it being just as awesome as last years.
One of the things I looked forward to this year was seeing what would be inside the goodie bags.
These goodie bags are filled with very generous donations from the vendors of the show.
It is the perfect way to see someones work first hand.
If you love what you get in your goody bag there is, of course, every chance to buy more, either at the show or in the future by keeping hold of the buisness card of that vendor.
This is a great idea for both attendee and vendor.
What better way to explore new artists or creators.
I fully expect to see wonderful things from this years show.
I know Jenny and family have put so much effort into making this show the amazing experience that you all have once there.
Everyone going have an amazing time and don’t forget to keep sharing all your buys or displays from the show.