Our Life With Reborns

Reborns are pieces of art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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Preorders for the new and much improved 2023 Doll Calendar will be opening this July.


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Preorder yours as soon as it opens.


International Doll Festival 2022 Budapest

ID&TS Angels, How Well Do You Know Them? Exclusive

Anyone who has ever attended an ID&TS will know the names Geogie Robinson Brown and Stacey Haskins.


These two have become a star team who have hosted six consecutive years of successful shows.

They are the ones rushing between places, putting out fires and making sure everything runs smoothly.

The ones who work all year round to ensure that your time at the show is everything you could want and more.

Their generousity and kindness is well known within the community.

Each year the show keeps growing and getting bigger.

Every detail is thought of before it even crosses anyone elses mind, which is why when you go there you know you are in good hands.

It is the small details and touches that they provide that makes all the difference and makes us ID&TS fans feel like we are part of a family.

Both Stacey and Georgie have very kindly allowed me to do an exclusive interview with them, following their six successful show.

These two may have just finished one show, but you know they are hard at work on the next.

So you may know who these angels are, but do you really know them?


Q1. When did you and Stacey first meet?


Q2. What was your motivation for running the show?

We wanted a show with diversity and with IDEX closing it was made apparent how important it was to have ID&TS.

Q3. What is your favourite feature of the other?

We have a Ying, and Yang type relationship, which works wonderfully between us.

Q4. What is your long term aim for the show?

We will continue as long as exhibitors continue to support us.

Without them there is no show.

Q5. How do you manage the shows and your family’s?

There is alot of juggling involved.

We both have kids and spouses at home that still require our full attention.

Its pretty normal to be up all hours of the night working while they are fast asleep.

It’s really hard sometimes to find a balance.


Q6. What made you choose Orlando?

It’s convinince for our International artists. (not mention the Disney parks are a pretty sweet perk)

This allows family vacations to be incorporated into their trip.

Q7. To date whats your favourite memory of the show?

At the end of the 1st doll show when we knew we had actually done it, and done it successfully.

Q8. How have your families handled you both being successful career women?

Our families are very supportive of all of our endeavors.

We are greatly blessed in that aspect.

Q9. Whats the wackiest thing you have ever done at the show?

We had unofficially adopted a blow up hotdog as a mascot and drove it around on the golf course in a golf cart during a golfing event.


Q10. Have you ever tried any events that havent worked?

Honestly, no.

Everything we have ever tried, we’ve found a way to make it work to the best of our abilities, and each year gets better and better.

Q11. What got you into reborns?

Georgie isn’t in to reborning, but Stacey started reborning in 2006 after searching eBay for a doll for her then 3 year old daughter.

Q12. If reborns werent a thing what else would you do?

Georgie: “I would be a stay at home mom” Stacey: “I would probably own/opporate my own floral shop. I use to work in the floral industry.”

Q13. How do you come up with the ideas for the show?

We are constantly bouncing ideas back and forth off of each other.

We are both pretty creative people, and have managed to come up with some pretty great ideas.

Q14 . What do you do as a calm down once the shows are over?

Calm down? What’s that? LOL! We enjoy sitting in silence and soaking our sore feet in a hot tub.

Q15. What do you miss most when being away from home during show time?

Our children.

Q16 . Have your kids ever gone with you to the show?

Yes, they attend the first 4 years in Asheviile.

Q17. Being stay at home mums, do you find that it is a benefit for you whilst hosting shows?


Q18. For your first show together were you nervous that it might not work?

Nervous would be a complete understatement. We were physically sick from the stress.

Q19. What is the most crucial part of the show to get right for you?

Every aspect of the show from begining to end is crucial.

If you don’t get each and every detail perfectly right, it can crash like a domino effect.

Q20. How many hours per day would you say you spend organising the show?

12+ most days


Q21. What do you find is most likely to have the potential to go wrong?

We are very good at keeping things going right.

We honestly don’t know how to answer this any other way.

We are very good at keeping our dominos lined up.

Q22. What has, so far, been the trickiest detail of the show to get right?

We are both perfectionists, so there are no tricky details to “get right” for this show.

I guess the only answer we can give here is to say to make sure our Pandora isn’t playing on loop, or playing any commercials during the show! LOL!


Q23. You are both super talented and generous in your own rights, when did you realise that together you made an unbeatable team?

When we met, it was like we had know each other our entire lives.

We are definitely soul mates.

Q24. Your generousity grows each year, will there ever come a point when you will say enough?

I guess we will have to wait and see……LOL!

Six years of memories and hard work on the ID&TS doesn’t seem to have aged these gorgeous ladies at all, in fact it seems to agree with them.

And, we hope, with many more years of the show to come we can count on one thing.

When ever we see the ID&TS sign, we know we are in the best company.

Two stay at home mums, taking over the dolly world.

Let me just take a moment to say how down to earth and humble both of these ladies are about what they have achieved.

Also I want to add that Staceys dolls are truly breathetaking. I mean so realistic that you will double take.

How she does it I do not know, but she brings life to these babies and creates the most astounding pieces of art.

I want to say that I am so happy and privileged to know them.

They are amazing, generous, talented, caring and kind, all whilst making putting on a huge show like the ID&TS look effortless.

True superwomen.

But who would I be if I didn’t let these two have the last word.

“To all of our exhibitors who have been with us from day one, to our new ones who join us with each passing year, we appreciate you! Without you, there is no us! We are all in this together. We look forward to continuing to host you all in the upcoming show.

Love to all, Georgie and Stacey”


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