ID&TS 2019 week has finally begun.
Its here, the time so many of us have been waiting for both in excitement and nervousness.
With the week kicking off with various classes you just know that a lot of fun will be had.
The classes that were available for the show varied so much in subject that there really was a class for everyone.
Even though it is now officially the show week there are still last minute things being done and checks being made.
This is what makes the show so great, the forware planning of the hosts and friendliness from all you come across.
Can I just take a minute to say thank you to all the show helpers.
They have an important role in the show and are part of what makes it so great.
So whether you are a vendor or attendee make sure you say hi and get to know the helpers or show assistants so that in the event of any issue you know where to go.
Now I am looking forward this week to seeing all the updates and pictures that are shared.
It really helps those that are unable to attend to still feel involved.
Just so you all know I have serious show envy lol.
But I hope you all, vendors, teachers, assistants, hosts and attendees have a marvellous time and love every second of it.
It will be over before you know it.