This years Kansas Doll Show is going to be so much fun, you will not want to miss out.
So to make sure that everything runs smoothly for all please everyone remember to bring your Paypal invoices.
This is by far the simplest way to keep the show running smoothly with no delays to anyone.
Event organiser Jenny Raymond has reminded everyone via social media.
Please be sure to bring your paypal invoices to the show to pick up your prepaid items.
Thank you!”
I hope that this little reminder to all can allow the Kansas Doll Show to run with out any hassle before doors open.
With so many fun things to see and do there you will not want to get caught out and have to either miss out or spend ages trying to prove that you are who you are and have paid.
So much easier to just show your Paypal invoice.
Everyone will have a blast at the show and I can not wait to see what everyone brings.