This beautiful baby will be given away at this years Rose Doll Show.
Brought to life by one of my favourite artists Bianca Franke.
Her work is really breathetaking and truly captures a baby’s innocence.
I can not believe one lucky person will win this sweetheart for free.
“Rose Doll Show donation Baby❤️
I will show more pics today☺️
?this baby is not for sale?
This angel has been painted to a high class, and you know when you have a baby from Bianca you know it will last forever.
Her babies will not only win your heart, but also the heart of anyone else that sees her.
So good luck everyone and I know the winner will be so happy with her.
Make sure that when you are attending the Rose Doll Show that you stop by Biancas booth and see the rest of her heartstopping babies.