With the reborn community growing fast it seems that there is a new doll artist each day.
Many of us have seen those babies that sell for thousands and think to ourselves if only.
But does that mean that just anyone can sell for that price?
Do people really think that they can just pick up a paint brush and be able to create a perfect baby.
If that is the case do they then think that they can sell their work for a quick buck?
Let me say this straight away, if anyone thinks that creating realistic dolls is a quick process then think again.
Each baby takes hours and hours of often pain staking work.
You have to have the patience of a surgeon and the ability to re do when needed.
To get to a level when you can realistically ask 100s for your baby will not come for a while.
Many of the high end doll artist have been producing babies for years, and guess what, they are still learning themselves.
This is not an art form you can get in to make quick money.
The outlay itself isn’t cheap to get all the materials and equiment that you need.
Then you have the fact that with more and more people giving it a go, the price gets pushed down even lower for the lower quality dolls with everyone trying to sell their baby.
In conclusion I would really say that this is not something to enter in to just for money, if you do not love the art and the babies then it really isn’t for you.
As collectors we are serious about where we spend our money, so do not think that a baby will sell as soon as it is put up fot sale.
Babies can often take some tell to sell, if at all.