Beautiful Barfoot baby.
This is just another reason why Barfoot Babies are on my dream artist list.
One of the highlights of the Rose Doll Show is always seeing the beautiful display that Bobbi Barfoot puts together.
Bobbi has a real flare for colours and designs and always makes a stand out table.
“Finished Kami’s nails today. Now to do some other details on her limbs and she will be DONE! Kami Rose will be available at the ROSE show. Beautiful outfit by Rebornina Mertxe Martín. and sculpt by Laura Lee Eagles.”
Little Kami’s paintwork is so realistic.
The colouring is preious making me want to pick her up and cuddle her.
Bobbi spends hours and hours on making sure all those fine and delicate details that make the doll special are right.
And it tells in her work.
If this is your first show and you have never seen a Barfoot baby in person prepare to be wowed.
This little darling is just an example of the work that Bobbie does.
So during your time at Rose make sure you stop by her booth and say hi.
You will be cooing and awwwing at all her dolls.