With the days counting down and the time getting ever closer for the Rose Doll Show 2019 to begin it is no surprise that excitement is building.
And things that this information only adds to that.
Susan Dizon J Gibbs who is teaching the Silicone class this year has shared her class babies with us all on social media.
“They’re ready!! Sorry no blank kits will be sold to the public, but some students may opt to sell their finished work.”
“ROSE SILICONE CLASS KITS. Sculpted and cast by Elena Westbrook. Poured by me.”
I can not wait to see how these babies turn out.
They are so adorable already.
Susan is such an amazing person and crazy talented artist that you will not be able to help but learn from her.
The class will be so much fun with such a positive atmosphere around it.
It is also the perfect chance to make new friends.
So if you are signed up for this class please remember to share with us your babies and what you have learnt.
This is for sure one of the must attend classes of the Rose Doll Show 2019.
Well done and thank you to Susan for teaching this class and sharing with all those attending just how talented you are.
Good luck and have fun to all those attending the class.