Kansas Doll show 2019 is going to be the second year for this awesome show and I for one can’t wait to see what this brings.
With the first year being a huge success, the learning curve for Jenny would really have paid off.
So thanks to that I am eagerly awaiting to see what is new this year.
The second show, thanks to experience is always going to be that little bit better than the last and then successive years just gets better and better.
I can really see this show growing to be huge.
I know it is one that I mark in my dolly calendar already.
Even though I am unable to attend I still fully look forward to seeing what goes on at the show, and I plan one day to attend in person.
The atmosphere of a doll show is something pretty special and is hard to replicate.
The build up is enough to sustain us all year.
So thank you Jenny and family for putting this together.