With the ID&TS 2019 approaching fast I thought I would share with you all the hotel and floor map.
These may come in very helpful if trying to map out your journey on show days.
This will enable you to make sure you can visit all of the awesome artists that are going to be there.
Knowing where you are going also helps if you are feeling at all nervous about the attending.
I know that there are quite a few of us out there that struggle with going to new places and being around lots of people.
Now although it would seem easy for me to sit here and say that you really do not need to worry.
That the people at the shows are so kind and friendly.
But I know that saying that may not actually make you feel any better about it.
But I do assure you that you really do not need to worry about it.
So use these by downloading them to your phone or taking a screenshot of them so you have it handy.
And above all have fun.