We all know the crazy skills that Marita Winters has.
This amazing busy lady has now finished her first baby for Rose 2019, albeit the baby has to be put together yet but still.
This little one is unsurprisingly so awesome.
Marita is always a big hit at the show, she is one of those people that you can’t help but say hi to when you are there.
Her babies are always fabulous and it becomes so hard not to cuddle them.
Marita shared this little angel on social media.
“First baby rooted for ROSE and ready to put the body together. 🙂 I have 5 others painted and waiting on hair!!!”
I just know that some very lucky new parent will love having this baby in their collection.
Certainly seems like a forever baby to me.
I can not believe just how cute this precious baby is.
This little one really makes your heart skip a beat.
Just so perfect.
Make sure you stop by Marita Winters booth at this years show.
You will be made so welcome and can see all of her adorable babies.