With doll role play being a big part for some people joining this community it made me think if it can go too far.
I have been a part of the reborn or doll community for several years now and have seen so many different types of role play.
Some just simple basic role play such as dressing, feeding a bottle etc.
But I have also seen other things which has made me question if it really takes it a little too far.
Now I am all for people expressing themselves and doing what they must to help themselves.
After all who are any of us to judge.
But there is still, at times that thought that says is that really too far.
I love my babies and for the most part these days they are display babies.
I used to role play a little but not so much these days.
So while role playing is great and can be helpful to some.
Others even within the community itself sometimes wonder where the line is and even if there really is one these days.
So enjoy your babies for what they are.
The bonds we make with our dolls can sometimes be very strong and it maked being a part of the community even more beneficial.