This beautiful prototype reborn baby can be found at this years Rose Doll Show.
Created by one of favourite artists Silvia Ezquerra, she looks so real that I keep waiting for her to move.
“Another beauty that will be on my booth this year! <3 Elise prototype by Karola Wegerich <3 <3"
Silvias babies are always made so perfect that I am surprised that she is able to part with any of them.
But bringing these precious babies to life is clearly a calling for Silvia and undoubtedly a work of art.
The attention to detail in her work is really amazing.
If you are a first timer to Rose this year, you have to stop at Silvias table and say hi.
You will come away completely spellbound by her work.
I wish everyone attending the Rose Doll Show this year the best time ever.
You are sure to have lots of fun and excitement.