Now I know this may be the last question anyone wants to hear, what with the ID&TS being only days away.
But are you ready?
This applies to both venders and attendees.
Vendor’s, as I am sure we can all guess are currently burning the midnight oil the create the perfect babies to bring to the show.
The hectic planning and choas of hours spent painting and rooting will all be worth it once the show day is finally here.
There will be beautiful displays which have taken months of planning to admire and of course lots of baby cuddles to have.
As for the attendees, well they also have to get ready.
Travel plans and hotels of course, but also preparing just which table they will go to first.
Working out just who is that one person that they really want to catch at the show.
Have they seen a baby or outfit in the build up to the show that they have set their heart on.
So much to work out for all and time is seriously running out.
As for the rest well we get to watch it all unfold from our sofas.
We can still enjoy the show.
It goes without saying that it isn’t in the same way though.
So let’s see a show of hands for all those ready for this years ID&TS.