This absolutely gorgeous reborn prototype baby will be waiting for you all at Rose 2019.
Brought to life by the talented skills of Silvia Ezquerra.
This baby has me completely blown away, I mean just look at her eyes.
Silvia shared this gorgeous baby on social media.
“Just shared this brand new prototype on my facebook! <3 Layla by Andrea Arcello ... this super special prototype will be on my booth at Rose too! <3 She is the unique prototype of this new kit, so you all will be able to see her in person!"
I have loved Silvias work for a while now, and hope to one day be lucky enough to own one of her babies.
But for now I admire them from afar.
The way she brings these adorable babies to life is simply amazing.
She puts so much care and attention into them, making them seem so real.
To become this good at your art takes many years of practice and patience.
But it seems to be something that Silvia was meant to do.
To be able to capture each baby in a way that truly brings them to life as she does is something that shows the signs of a true artist.
So until I am able to own one of her babies I will continue to look and dream on the babies she sells.
If anyone owns one of the dolls she makes you will know just how high the quality of her work is.
For those of you attending Rose 2019, her table is really one you will want to visit.
Do not miss out on the chance to see these breathetaking babies.