The hosts of the ID&TS 2019 just keep being more and more generous.
They are now offer us all a chance for one lucky winner to have the cost of 3 nights hotel and free admission to the show on both days covered.
It’s true.
It means if you wanted to go but couldn’t this is your chance.
Georgie posted the exciting news on social media saying..
“Forever for my Grace ?
Please come t bellow if you do NOT already have a reservation and would love to be at ID&TS 2019
You will receive 3 free room nights and free Entry to the show both days. ?
One random winner will be drawn on Friday @6pm EST during our live ?
Edit ….. please be sure if you win you can travel to attend
(Gas, food and travel expense not included)”
How could anyone not want to be a part of this.
It is so exciting.
The winner will be so very lucky.
I can not wait to see who it is.
Have I entered?
You know I have, why would I not.
So everyone to be in with a chance head over to the Facebook ID&TS chat group.
You do not want to miss this.