For those of us that are unable to attend a doll show how amazing would it be if there was a way that we could all be a part of it.
So I got to thinking what about if there were some way that those of us at home could be a part of it.
For example what about some kind of podcasts or lives that various artists can talk to us and maybe even have some items for sale that we could purchase.
This could be a great way to get more people to be a part of the show and to enable anyone anywhere around the world to participate in the event.
I would love to know what your feedback to this is and see if any of you have any more suggestions of ways that anyone who can not attend could still feel part of the doll show.
I think that is a great idea!!! Some folks can drive as far as the three major shows are. I think anything that could make it accessible to all would be wonderful.