This stunning lifelike reborn baby for sale currently on ebay will melt hearts.
She has been painted to the highest quality and you will be asking yourself how she is not real.
I am not the artist of this baby Fiona Lester is
Fiona is super talented.
You will not be disappointed.
Lois was reborned from the AMAZINGLY REALISTIC
sculpted by CASSIE BRACE
Birth ~ March 10th 2019
Weight ~ About 5lbs
Length ~ 20″ Newborn
Arms ~ Full
Legs ~ Full
Tummy Plate ~ No
Doe Suede Cloth Body
Magnets ~ No
Lois has been lovingly reborned by myself, Fiona Lester. Every detail has been created by me in my studio at home in the Northeast of England. I am into my eighth year of Reborning and I was fortunate enough in 2011 to start Reborning professionally full time.
When you buy a Scrumptious Baby, you are buying a top quality reborn and you will not be disappointed.
I am a Master Artist with IIORA and have over 100 previous customers, with 100% positive feedback as a seller on eBay and on Facebook.
I am a registered business on eBay and registered as self-employed with HMRC.
I take my work and customer care very seriously 🙂
This stunning reborn baby has been hand painted over many hours in many layers using the renowned Heat Set Genesis Paints.
Genesis Paint, once set, does not fade or rub off and it has an amazing translucency that works so well in bringing these wonderful works of art to life.
I have used a variety of techniques that I have perfected over the years, to produce the realistic tones you can see in the photos.
I am constantly changing and improving the way I paint in order to make the most realistic baby possible.
Every last detail on this sculpt has been enhanced with huge care and attention to detail.
Every detail from the realistic mottled skin, to each wrinkle, to the tips of the nails have been painted with love and care. <3
Lois's hair is painted in multiple layers in different shades of brown for a 3D effect and textured to add realism. The hair is completely maintanance free! I have rooted the lashes with slumberland mohair from Canada and they are sealed from inside.
Lois has a beautiful, flesh coloured, doe-suede fabric body which was made especially.
It has been realistically weighted, along with the head to make the baby super cuddly!
The body and head are filled with top quality, virgin fibre fill, ultra fine glass granules and stainless steel balls.
When you hold this baby in your arms you will feel just like you are holding a real baby.
It will take your breath away!
Finally, I have finished this little one with a special blend of varnish which seals, enhances the colours and appearance and helps prevent shine occuring from handling.
I have worked for many months to create a varnish blend that does all these things, but is not rough to touch.
My heart and soul goes into bringing these babies to life and they are meant as collectors items, not for children.
The fillings used are not suitable for children and I accept no responsibilty for any injury occuring as a result of giving to a child.
I recommend my babies for children aged 12 and above.
Lois will come home with a beautiful, brand new, layette including all outfits in the photos.
Clothing is from shops such as Mothercare, NEXT, Mamas and Papas etc.
Props, headbands and blankets in Lois’s photos are not included in this auction.
Lois will also arrive with a beautiful fluffy blanket, Birth Certificate, Kit Certificate of Authenticity and Care Instructions
Click here to see the full ebay listing for this baby