These unique reborn baby props would be a great way to spread your nurseries name.
These unique personalized props would also be perfect to send home with your babies.
This would be a fantastic way to show everyone which nursery you brought your baby from.
Really cute custom logo Photo Prop Rattles.
Send me your logos for evaluation so you will be ready for ROSE Show. July 10th-13th.
Another amazing potential for these sweet props are that you can customize them for your babies
You could buy some with your babies name on.
This is something that I would consider doing myself for my own babies.
It is so cute.
If you are attending the Rose Doll Show and buy a baby from there what better way to have a keepsake than with the Rose Doll show on one of these props.
You can also co ordinate your reborn baby props with a selection of matching probs in the range.
In fact there is sure to be something that you will love.
So check out more amazing products in this collection by visiting My heart child on Facebook.