For those of you that remember we used to do Youtube videos regularly, but stopped due to changes within the community and our own feelings towards the videos.
But lately I have been wondering if I should start doing the videos again.
We had two channels, Suzy G Reborn Nursery which was done with both my daughter and myself.
Also a channel that I did myself which was Our Life With Reborns
So after seeing that we hadn’t uploaded anything since August I started wondering if we should really start doing Youtube videos again, maybe not for any reason other than getting back into it.
What do you all think?
Is it worth us doing them?
Would anyone really watch them?
As we have so fewer dolls now, it would be ony a couple of babies for now, but would be exciting when the time comes that we get more babies.
So we may start doing them again, would be great to get dome feed back from you all.