The reborn community has seen a large change in the last few years.
Not all of these changes have been good, so it is vital that we all learn how to remain safe whilst online.
This is easier said than done for a large part.
With so many lies and people with bad intent out there, knowing who to trust can be difficult.
I do think that it is a sad state that it has become, but we can all play our part.
It is in fact possible to remain in the reborn community and not be involved in any of the horrible side of it.
I do believe that there is still goodness within this community still.
One thing I would suggest is not to reveal anything too personal to anyone that you do not really know.
Not your phone numbers, address etc as this could be used against you in the future.
Also it could be wise to have seperate accounts, one for reborn friends and one for your family etc.
This is one way that you can be safe whilst online.
So get all the joy you want from the community, whilst keeping in mind that you may want to hold some things back.
Stay safe out there friends.