Merch, merch, merch. We all love to get merchandise fromt he shows we got to, and Kansas Doll Show 2019 has some get items on offer.
The newest item just available is this amazing T-shirt.
These shirts have the cutest babies on and will be the perfect reminder of your time at the show.
One of the best things about these shirts is that they will not break the bank.
At a cost of only $10.00 plus shipping, it is an ideal way to keep your memories of the Kansas Doll Show 2019 alive and to also share the show with others.
To get yours all you have to do is contact show organiser Jenny Raymond.
Then your awesome shirt can be on its way to you.
Don’t miss your chance.
And hey, who says you have to be attending to wear your shirt proudly.
Even us people that can not make the show can be a part of it by wearing the shirts on the show day.
Get your shirt by using the link provided below.
Click here to get your Kansas Doll Show T-shirt