Nothing hurts us more than a loss.
The invisible pain from it is something that can consume you and make you feel that you can not cope.
During this time it is nice to be able to have a cuddle, but for some, they do not want to be around people.
They find that being alone is the way they feel most comfortable to deal with it.
This is what is so great with reborns, you can be alone and still have that cuddle.
Making it one of the best times to have reborn baby cuddles.
They can, of course, not replace what you have lost, but if they can allow you some small relief then that is an amazing thing.
I wish the reborn babies were not so frowned upon within the wider community, if they were then many people would not feel ashamed or embarrassed to take their babies out which them when they do need them.
Do you find that this is when you find yourself reaching for your reborns more?
How would you cope without your baby?