The Basildon February Doll Show 2019 is fast approaching.
With only days left to go now people around the country will be getting excited.
The main details of the show are as follows:
BASILDON Holiday Inn
Sunday 17th February 2019
Opening times:
9.00am VIP ticket registrations
9.30am VIP ticket holder entry
10.30am General entry
4.00pm show closes
Adults: £4.50
Pensioners: £3.50
Children 4-12: £1.50
Children 3 and under, free
I am trying to find the details about this event more than the times, dates and prices.
For example what the VIP extras are.
As soon as I find out this information then I will share it with you.
With various locations throughout the UK, there may even be a doll show headed your way this year.
Even though the show is only for one day that will not stop the fun that everyone that attends will have.
It is a great place for both collectors and artists to meet.
So if you are in the area, then why not pop in.
I would love to see someones pictures.
Basildon February Doll Show 2019