Reborns are a great source of comfort as anyone who has ever held one knows.
One way that a reborn can help us in our everyday life is for those of you that suffer with insomnia.
It can be so soothing to be able to sit and cuddle a baby while you are unable to sleep.
If you sit and rock with your babies at any time you will know how relaxing and calming this can be.
I think this is one of the most relaxing ways to end a day.
I have quite often found that at night if I can not sleep then I can spend many hours just trying to relax with the babies instead.
Have you ever spent times when you don’t know what to just holding your baby?
Are there any routines that you have made with your babies for the times when you are unable to sleep to try and aide this.
People can suffer for years with Insomnia, a condition which can affect so many and make their lifes difficut each day.
Tiredness can become a way of life which enables each day to drag and feel like an eternity.
So have you ever considered using the reborns as a way to overcome the problem?