The Kansas Doll Show 2019 merchandise is available to purchase now.
These amazing bags are so cool, I personally want to get one.
Kansas Doll Show host Jenny Raymond shared her pretty bags on social media.
“Be sure to check out the KDS merchandise table, next to the admission tables, outside of the showroom floor. We will have a limited amount of these bags at the show along with more amazing things you may not want to leave without having. :)”
At a cost of just $20.00 these bags are great value.
They will make super cute diaper bags, which will also hold so many special memories for you.
If you want to purchase one of these bags you can do so now or at show.
There are a limited number of each colour so do not hang around too long in case the bag of your choice sells out.
Kansas Doll Show 2019 bags will undoubtedly be a hit for anyone attending, or like me a huge fan of the event but as of yet not able to attend.
It is on my wish list for one year tho.