Anyone who has ever considered becoming a reborn artist knowns just how daunting the idea is of picking up that first paintbrush.
The first brush stroke can be a complete mix of excitement and nerves.
Now although we would all love to be a natural and to have top class work flowing from the ends of our brush, lets be honest,
Chances are that isn’t going to happen.
There are bound to be mistakes made and that is just fine.
Mistakes are what helps us all learn.
Even the people that are considered top artists in their firld would have made so many mistakes whilst learning their skills.
So one thing that should be learnt fast is that you need not be too hard on yourself, because every mistake that is made is a mistake towards your first perfect piece of art.
Your first baby that you can cuddle and love, more so with the knowledge that the work to create it was done entirely by your own hand.
So I think that yes anyone can become a reborn artist, as long as they are willing to continually practice the skills needed then no matter how long it takes you will create your first baby.
With more patience and practice the better and more realistc your babies will become.
DO not get disheartend if this doesnt happen for you as fast as you may like.
Not everyone can take to reborning as quickly as others.
But that does not men at all that you should give up.
Persevere and you will end with an immense sense of sactisfaction.
As the saying goes, if at first you don’t suceed try and try again.