I was recently looking through ebay at the babies for sale when I came across this one.
An Avatar Baby clon doll being sold for £3000.
I could not believe the price being asked.
How could anyone pay this amount for a baby from them.
We all know Babyclon have and continue to steal kits.
It has caused a lot of uproar within the community.
So how could this price even be considered.
So far this baby even at this price from this company has 17 watchers.
What I don’t understand is how they can charge this amount.
I thought the whole idea behind Baby Clon was to make it mor affordable for collectors.
At least that is what I keep hearing from those trying to defend what they do.
But to then ask this amount for a doll goes against that.
Which begs the question is it really all about bringing affordable dolls to people or profit.
I can not and will not use the term reborn for these dolls as to me they aren’t.
But what do you think, would you consider the doll at this price?
Click here to see the full ebay listing for this baby