Happy Reborn Festive Season To You All!
We have reached the December and can say that we are in the month of Christmas.
How exciting is that…
So I wanted to take this minute to wish you all a happy festive period from our nursery to you.
I can not wait to see all the pictures of the babies dressed up in their Christmas outfits.
They always look so cute.
I love to see them among the lights, presents and decorations.
Within our community we can really go to town with our babies during the festive period.
It is a great chance for us to be big kids and celebrate all the fun of Santa.
People say Santa isn’t real.
I don’t believe that.
I believe that Santa may not be a person, but Santa is an idea, he is a feeling and an atmosphere that you only get this time of year.
So celebrate in style and show off your Reborn babies.