3 month realborn Joseph reborn kit **NEW**COMPLETE
Our first 3 Month Realborn® is here! Joseph, grandson of Nevin and Denise Pratt (and little brother of Realborn® Emmy), has been captured in his adorable chunky stage of 3 months old. 3 Month Joseph is big for his age and wears 6-9 month sized clothing.
This kit has full arms and legs and comes unpainted and ready to reborn. 3 Month Joseph is about 23″ inches long when completed, with a head circumference of approximately 17″.
3 Month Joseph can wear size 3 diapers and around 9 month sized clothing, as he is big for his age (the clothing size may vary depending on the brand and style, he will need clothing that will fit his chubby limbs and tummy).
This is for the blank reborn vinyl kit only – Picture shows what he could look like after painting
Please ask questions prior to purchase if needed – All sales are final on Kits
You will receive
1 – One reborn kit which includes head . belly plate and limbs
2- One custom cloth body made for Joseph
3- One COA for reborn Joseph
Click here to see the full ebay listing for this kit.